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We are looking for new Brownies as well as Adults who want to be Leaders!

Who Can Join?

Brownie Girl Scouts are in grades 1-3, or ages 6-8. Since our troop is meeting immediatly after school you will probably need to attend Grantville Elementary. Although children that are home schooled in the area are welcome to join as well.

How Can You Join?

To join we need a completed application and membership dues for the first year. Please contact us for more information and a copy of the application.

Girl Scouting welcomes all girls regardless of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, physical ability or economic situation.

Girl Scouting is open to all girls ages 5 - 17, or in grades Kindergarten - 12th, and adult men and women who:

bullet Have paid annual membership dues with registration,


Have made the Girl Scout Promise;

On my honor, I will try:


To serve God and my country,

To help people at all times,

and to live by the Girl Scout Law. 


and accepted the Girl Scout Law;

I will do my best to be


honest and fair,

friendly and helpful,

considerate and caring,

courageous and strong, and

responsible for what I say and do, 

and to;


respect myself and others,

respect authority,

use resources wisely,

make the world a better place, and

be a sister to every Girl Scout.