z Our
Community clean up project was a success. We gathered over a dozen bags of trash. More still needs to be done. We may
organize another after the holidays.
Thanks to the
Kiser and Wallace families
z The Yard Sale was so much fun! We raised 110.00
for our trip to the Stone Mountain Christmas Festival! Thanks to the Handschuh, Wallace and Youngblood families
z We had five girls participate in the Fall
Product Sale. The total profit from the sale is 53.50. The girls voted to use this money to help fund our Stone Mountain Christmas
z Our Blood Drive is scheduled
for next Monday November 19th from 3-8 at Nick's Pizza here in Grantville. Who will win
the 25.00 gift certificate for bringing in the most donors??
z PLEASE keep December 8th open in your calendars!
Our troop will be participating in the Grantville Calico Christmas Parade! I am asking for 100% participation in this activity!
I realize some of our girls will be participating with the SRMS chours (my older daughter included) but that is why we need
the rest of you so much.
z Please remember that dues for Brownies is
due at the end of each month. That ten dollars helps us pay for the snacks, art supplies, badges and patches.
The Cadettes
are to bring in three dollars to each meeting for their dues.
are NOT required to participate.
z This is not an official troop activity but
I thought I would pass it along to those who are interested...... Santa makes his official arrival in downtown Newnan Friday,
Nov. 23, the day after Thanksgiving. Main Street Newnan received permission from Newnan City Council to close a portion of
North Court Square at 3 p.m. prior to Santa’s arrival at 6 p.m. The event runs 6 to 8 p.m. Parents are invited to bring their kids out for an evening of fun with St. Nick. Santa will arrive
on a fire truck and will begin the festivities by lighting the downtown Christmas tree. All children are encouraged to bring
their Christmas wish lists.
z The December calendar will include:
The World Famous Calico Christmas Parade
(and Festival)
The Grantville Elementary Thank You Tea for Staff
(for Daisies and Brownies)
The GS Troop 169 Christmas Party and Making and Baking Christmas Cookies and Candy will be held together
due to time issues.
Christmas Caroling
Stone Mountain
Christmas Festival
And for our December Service Project
We will 'Adopt' a child for Christmas though ACE.